Monday, July 26
Left for Provo at 10:30, after pancake breakfast. Stopped at closed Mormon Temple - renovating for next two years. Grocery shopped at Albertson's in Provo, a mere $83 this time. Sneaked in an ice cooler, two pizzas, carrot cake, Pepsis (for sale), and, Oh!, what a deal on chicken - for 100 people! Laundry, swimming, cards. Bobby and Theresa made delicious chili. Terri fed the ducks three loaves of bread. Boys discovered video games and some HUGE fish in the stream, which no one could catch, even with the aid of a HOT DOG GIG.
Tuesday, July 27
Breakfast and off for a tour of the Osmond Productions Studios. On to Bridal Veil Falls and the Heber Creeper. Three-hour trip on steam train. Sheriff of Heber City entertained with and without his teeth. Two gunmen held up the train en route, another shootout at Heber City. Loads of fun.
Returned to camp for pizza and chili. Mike used the first aid kit again for the fingers (3) which he caught in the pulley of a hand-powered cable car across the creek. (Bob's suggestion.) More pinochle (Bev and KK win.)