Tuesday, August 3
Bob and Donna bailed Mike out of hospital at 4:00pm, after he discharged himself with 103 fever. Grocery shopped and returned to marina to wait for fishermen. Theresa, Donna, and Bob took a turn fishing, while Rick and Bev steamed the previous days' catch for dinner.
Returned to hospital at 10:00pm for fever medicine. Greg, and Bobby stayed with Uncle Don and Rick.
To the campground at Fishing Bridge, where Theresa, and KK took turns all night forcing a quart of liquid per hour down Michael. Never a tear or complaint, 103 degrees most of the night.
Wednesday, August 4
Left Yellowstone for Red Lodge stocked with gallons of liquid and medication for Mike.
Played in snow en route. Stopped for pictures of Pilot and Index and Bearstooth.
Arrive at Grandma's house about 4:00pm to fried chicken, baked beans and potato salad.