Friday, August 20

Left Kanab at 8:00. "Let's go to Arizona!" With one cooling off stop outside of Flagstaff, we rolled into Sedona at 12:30. Kids headed straight for TV room and one more showing of "Stripes". Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner.

Saturday, August 21

Donna, Bev, and KK to laundromat at 9:00. Return at 10:30, Bev and KK clean inside the coach, Donna inside house. Kids watch movies and then wash the motor home. Bob made boxes for the fire hydrant, which was actually a fire extinguisher. Pizza for the kids and RAVIOLIS for the lucky adults. Watched Grandpa's movies and then to bed.

Sunday, August 22

Up at 5:00, we finish packing the cars and depart for Phoenix at 5:50. The Dasher speedometer reads 60 mph as Donna follows Bob in the Subaru, where Bob wonders why she isn't going over 45. After a roadside conference, we ignore the Dasher speedo and proceed to the airport. Farewells at the door as three families return home with souvenirs and memories of a very special, once in a lifetime vacation.